Week 7

Ideation, interview & sketches (15/03/21 - 19/03/21)

Guest lecture | Laurens Aarnoudse

Laurens introduces himself and his dog. He explains that he wants to do research on the breed of his dog. He is going to do this by looking at quantitative data.

What kind of data you can find 1| article/book/paper 2| interactive data visualizations 3| raw data 4| metadata 5| qualitative gathered data (by you)

Tip | Search using key words and synonyms

In this part of the video Laurens tells us that the data of the dogs is male-oriented at 11:44. This is the subject of my personal project, only then about humans.

Tip | Write down questions and assumptions

End note

Exploring your data is not a lineair proces.

Results survey

To make the results more insightful i created a Miro board. Click on the link below

I have supplemented my data document with the new examples

First sketches

After i categorized the data including the answers i got out of my survey i decided to make some sketches for my concept now that i have done more research.

De whole rectangular area in the middle of the paper symbolizes a webpage. I divided the 'webpage' in different sections to get a more clear idea of what i want to show.

The most important and interactive part of the page is where the examples are given. I made a more detailed sketch of how the examples could be shown. In this example i use a toggle bar and colors for clarity.

Meeting Inbal Rief

After making my first sketches i needed some feedback. I scheduled a meeting with Inbal Rief. Inbal Rief is a Data Empathy designer with a lot of experience in information design. I wrote our interview/meeting in dutch (see below)

I made a list of important topics we discussed They translate into the following questions:

  • How am i going to categorize the examples?

  • How do i raise empathy for my subject?

  • Is marketing an important factor (for my project)?

  • What kind of visual language am i going to use?

  • Am i going to add a complexity spectrum?

These questions resulted in my requirements list My visualization must...

  • Be interactive

  • Tell a clear story

  • Raise empathy for the subject

  • Have the option to explore the examples given

  • Tell the story/subject from different perspectives

  • Use a fitting visual language


This week i did not complete the exercises with 100% commitment because i needed to work a bit harder on my personal project. However these links that were given as tips could be very useful in a later stadium:

The exercise was to make a quick visualization based on the data sheet made based on the room drawings.

End result

Tips i received

Conclusion week 7

This week i received a lot of useful feedback. Next week I'm going to implement the feedback in some new sketches. From this point it is going to be a lot of sketching, prototyping, receiving feedback and iterate that process.

Last updated